eXact® Strip Micro HR Total Hardness Conditioner is a supplementary strip that can only be used if you already have eXact® Strip Micro HR Total Hardness.
It comes in a bottle with 50 strips used in the eXact® Photometers. Use the Conditioner strip to adjust your water sample during your Total Hardness test procedure if your water sample has Total Alkalinity above 220 ppm. Please see the full test instruction here. If you have the Conditioner strip, you will need to use it between steps 6 and 7 in the procedure. If your Total Alkalinity is above 400 ppm, then you can use two Conditioner strips.
To find out what your Total Alkalinity is, use eXact® Strip Micro Total Alkalinity.
Contains: 50 strips
Detection range: N/A
Suitable for the following eXact® photometers:
- eXact® iDip®
- eXact® iDip 570
- eXact® Micro 20
- Well eXact® EZ
- eXact® Eco-Check
Made in USA